Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hello, this is 911

Ok. We are not making this up. What is the probability that the number combination of 9-1-1 is dialed by a one year old, and in that particular order? Oh, and on a locked blackberry of all things? With her quick like cat reflexes and superior dexterity, Ella grabs Tim's blackberry, disarms the security code, and makes the emergency call. What could have been the reason? Stinky diaper perhaps? Or because Cooper wouldn't share his dog food? Not enough morning kisses? Whatever the reason, all we hear on the phone as Ella holds it up to her head and smiles is "Hello, this is 911. What is your emergency?" CRAP! Panic by both of us. This can't be possible! Tim quickly grabs the phone and hangs up. Phew. Well, heed this warning all you 911 pranksters out there! 911 has caller ID! Not a mere 10 seconds later does the BlackBerry ring. Uh oh. Tim answers timidly (imagine what an adolescent boy would sound like calling a girl on the phone for the first time),
Dispatch: Yes, this is 911 of Fairfax County. We just received a phone call from your home. Are you okay?

Tim: Oh yes! My daughter just dialed 911 by mistake.

Dispatch: Ok. So everyone is safe?

Tim: Yes, but Ella! Oh no! My daughter is swallowing dog food!

Dispatch: Sir, how old is your daugther?

Tim: She's one. Ella, nooooo!

Dispatch: Ok sir. Do you have everything under control?

Tim: Uh, yeah.

Dispatch: Very well, have a good day!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Would you like Alto, Soprano, or Cheerios?

Apparently Ella's got the groove. Not sure what her singing voice will sound like later on and given that fact that her mother can't carry a tune to save her life, she's got the odds against her. For now, however, she sounds so so sweet and we managed to catch her first sing along on video during breakfast. And to French nursery rhymes of all things! And one would think she's needs a seat belt for her sing-a-longs. Hold on tight, Ella!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

The holidays are officially here! Thanksgiving marked the beginning of the holiday cheer for us and we enjoyed Thursday night at the Buehrig's with the Carlson's and family friends. The food was some of the best yet and good times were had by all. It was also nice to take some time out from our busy schedules to enjoy family time and really reflect on all the wonderful things to be thankful for.

Ella's wondering where her turkey is.

Tim and his mom showing off their post turkey glow

Family Shot

Carving the 'ol Turkey

Erika and her look alike daughter - the resemblance is uncanny!

Family shot - Saturday night dinner

The 2 families

Ella is all smiles with her Aunt Monica!