Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Caroline joins the dress-up game

At first, we didn't think the wings would last more than 2 seconds but little Caroline seemed quite content (and proud!) to join Ella in dressing up. Even though they got in the way more than several times, she just kept crawing and playing! Of course Ella went with the ladybug's a standard piece to her dress-up attire!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Tim!

Sandwiched between his two little girls birthdays, poor Tim doesn't get too much birthday recognition these days. However, to grant him his birthday wish, we headed to the Shanandoah's for two nights of camping at Matthew's Arm Campground. We've visited this site several times in the past since it provides us with the basic amenities (i.e: toilet!), some great hiking trails, and beautiful scenic overlooks. After some rigorous hiking, we treated ourselves to some campground beers and smores!Of course, it couldn't have been better spent with our good friends Sandra, Shaun, Mere, and Kelli!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A day at the playground

Now that the hot weather (and mosquitos) have seemed to pass, we've been enjoying more time at the playground these days! It's been neat to see Ella's growth in coordination and determination when climbing new parts of the playground. While she's still hesitant in some areas (she loves swinging from the bars but it also makes her extremely nervous to fall from them, even though she might be a mere 6 inches from the ground!). Caroline, on the otherhand, is our, er, eh, more daring wild child. Fearless. Determined. She laughs at Erika when she hears "Caroline, be careful!" Her first trip down the twisty slide was with Ella but Erika slid down first and was close by to catch her if she went too fast. Now a problem. These days, she'll climb up to the slide alone and Erika's barely made it to the bottom to catch her before she's thrown herself down, giggling the whole way. At least she knows to go feet first and belly down!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Caroline's 1st Birthday Party!

We lucked out and had an absolutely beautiful day to celebrate Caroline's first birthday party! Turning the "big one" can be a busy day for a little baby but the birthday girl was just perfect and went right along with the flow of the party!

Caroline's first birthday cake! Since it's her "big one," we went with a "big" candle! This is also Erika's first attempt at fondant and with some help from Mary Ann, we were quite pleased with the results! Not bad for the first fondant cake attempt!

The table is all set and ready for the party!

The back deck was set up with a craft table so the children could make birthday crowns and a chalk board to continue their creative interests!

"caroline is 1!" Erika made a banner for Caroline; it turned out very cute!

The birthday girl with her Opah.

The cake is lit, time to start singing "happy birthday!"

Not sure if it was the cake or the lighted candles that caught her attention the most!

Getting all the kids together....phew, this was tough! Forget about everyone smiling, we just wanted everyone to stay still!

Special "sushi" snacks!

Erika and her birthday baby

The Buehrig's!

The Carlson's!

Relaxing post-party with Mamo.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of Pre-School

Not only is today Caroline's first birthday, but it is also Ella's first day of pre-school at LANK! Coincidently, LANK is also where Erika went to preschool, too so it was extra special to take Ella to the school where it all began for her mommy! Although she was hesitant for us to leave (after encouraging her to play with some toys, she would say "come with me, mommy!")and Erika had to "sneak" out, she did really well and was super excited to show-off her art project when she was picked up later in the day. Even though Erika was a little emotional dropping her off, it was absolutely wonderful to be greeted with a big huge Ella hug when it was time to go home!

Getting ready to go! Outside with the birthday girl!

Walking to school with daddy!

Ready for my first day of school! Notice the cute new dress for her first day of school!

Getting a hug from mommy

Luckily she has some of her friends in her same class; she joins her buddy for some table activities.

First day done! Pick-up time!

Happy Birthday, Caroline!

One year ago today, our little Caroline was born! We can hardly believe that she's already one; the year has just flown by. Wow! At one year old:

- Caroline has 7 teeth! 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom.
- She loves the swing at the playground and is perfectly content sitting and swinging for a long time while watching Ella and other children play
- Caroline is obsessed with "blowing raspberries." She cleary is so proud of herself and will do them to amuse her onlookers but also will very happily make all those sounds while spending time alone.
- Stacking, stacking, stacking. She's really mastering her hand-eye coordination while practicing different kinds of stacking activities. For example, she can take tiny block with holes to stack on a wooden peg and she's learning to stack wooden block on top of each other.
- Watch out! That play food is hot! She's all about the mimicking; clearly she's been paying attention to us and to Ella for a very long time. Erika observed her playing with the toy kitchen and after "stirring" some food with a spoon in a pot, she pulled the spoon up to her mouth and began blowing on it!
- Comprehension. Even though we still think she's just a baby, she understands a lot more than we think. She's beginning to follow basic commands like "let's clean up! Put the blocks away in the box."
-Pointing. Caroline is really starting to notice things around her. She'll wake up from her nap and after opening up her window blinds, we'll look out the window and she'll point to the trees and to the deck below. Outside, we'll observe birds flying, bugs crawling, and planes in the air.
- Let me feed you! She's had enough of us feeding her and wants to reverse the role. Now, she'll constantly offer us food from her tray; with her long delicate fingers squishing a piece of food (doesn't that sound appetizing!?!!?), she'll insist you take it from her only if she can put it in your mouth. Mmmm, yummy.
- Although Caroline isn't quite talking yet, she does say "mama" and "dada" and we think she's been trying to say "Ella" although it sounds more like "I-ya!"
- And finally, she continues to have a really sweet and playful temperment. She's easy to make laugh and more than anything, she loves to join in and play with us and Ella. She's our sweet little Caroline!

Happy First Birthday!

Little Caroline - just about one day old!

Still our little Caroline (just a bit bigger!) at one years old!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Vacationing with "Earl"

For an end of the summer beach vacation, we joined our friends the Reemsnyder's down in Kitty Hawk for almost a near perfect weather week at the beach. Up until our evacuation on Thursday morning, the days were absolutely perfect. And much to our delight, both Ella and Caroline couldn't get enough of the sand which meant they both stayed very busy on the beach! Of course dealing with Ella and the sand was much easier than dealing with Caroline and the sand since the latter didn't seem to mind swallowing fistfulls of it. Yuck! After several days though, she finally figured out that maybe sand wasn't as tasty as she had previously thought. However, her sense of adventure never lessened; she crawled around in the sand, played with sand toys, and enjoyed climbing on the beach chairs to play with toys. Ella and "her friend" Brady had a blast and were great little beach buddies for the week. We laughed about the fact that she always referenced Brady as "her friend" ("Where's my friend?")which we think is due to the fact that before the beach, we'd talk to Ella about the beach and describe how she was going to have fun playing with "her friend" Brady. Ha! Another added bonus: both the girls napped on the beach! It was unreal the first day; we sat on the beach watching them both nap and thought the day would never happen (for a long long time, that is!) that we'd have two hours of peace and quiet on the beach! So, adults naps were taken on the beach and lots of reading - yeah!

So....despite Earl, we had a blast!

Can't beat it: both girls asleep on the beach! This was HEAVEN!

Ella on the beach

Caroline found a hole and loved climbing out and sliding back in again!

With Shea and the "big kids;" taking a walk to get ice cream

On a walk to get ice cream

Cute shot of Brady and Ella

Loving the sand

Whatever happened to just toting along a towel and book to the beach? These days, we can't forget the beach toys, sunscreen, umbrella, cabana, towels, cooler, snacks, diapers, chairs, and of course a means to carry two kids! Apparently the packing took long and bored Ella to sleep!

Brady and Ella get buried!

Our little sand baby

Love the smile!

Ella with her daddy

Our house had a pool (and hot tub for the adults!) which came in handy in the morings and late afternoons after the beach!

Last beach picture - Hurricane Evacuation Route!