Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Music Class

Today marked our last music class before Erika head's off to "work" on May 10th. We've enjoyed our Thursday morning outing for the past year and it's been amazing to see how Ella has progressed in her confidence and singing since we started when she was just about one year old! Now, she'll walk up to Ms. Beth to request a song or chime in with a animal for "Old McDonald Had a Farm." And, when the teacher plays songs on her violin, Ella is able to recognize the song. For the last class of the session, Ms. Beth brought out the parachute which all the kids love and after some singing and dancing with it, she let the kids sit on it for the remainder of the class. Here are a few of Ella's favorite songs (don't know all the exact titles!):

1. ABC's
2. I'm a Little Acorn Round
3. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
4. Itsy Bitsy Spider
5. The Old Gray Cat
6. Five Monkey's Sitting in a Tree
7. Open and Shut Them
8. All the Fish are Swimming in the Water
9. Ba-ba Black Sheep
10. Jack and Jill went up the hill

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